Posted 30 July 2013 - 07:24 PM
Hi i'm new to the forum.
I want to lower a miningplatform and when it hits bedrock it will send a redstone signal. The redstone signal is done and the loop witch lower the platform. what i need is a check for the redstone signal from a gray cable hwo stop the loop lowering the platform and goes to the next loop who rising the platform.
This is just part of the code.
I want to change the for loop so it ends when the computer get the redstonesignal insted.
I want to lower a miningplatform and when it hits bedrock it will send a redstone signal. The redstone signal is done and the loop witch lower the platform. what i need is a check for the redstone signal from a gray cable hwo stop the loop lowering the platform and goes to the next loop who rising the platform.
This is just part of the code.
--miner down
for i=1,times do
--miner down
redstone.setBundledOutput ("back", 0)
for i=1,depth do
print (c, " Cycles left.")
print ("------------------")
print (d, " Blocks left to decend.")
redstone.setBundledOutput ("back", colors.white)
sleep (0.2)
redstone.setBundledOutput ("back", 0)
sleep (1.5)
d= d-1
redstone.setBundledOutput ("back", 0)
--miner up
for i=1,depth do
print (c, " Cycles left.")
print ("------------------")
print (d, " Blocks left to rise.")
redstone.setBundledOutput ("back",
sleep (0.2)
redstone.setBundledOutput ("back", 0)
sleep (1.5)
I want to change the for loop so it ends when the computer get the redstonesignal insted.