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[Openperipheral] Find String In "$$" Comand

Started by norfair00, 09 August 2013 - 04:19 PM
norfair00 #1
Posted 09 August 2013 - 06:19 PM

someone types the command "$$ae show" or "$$ic2 show"
I'm looking to do a function for which definire info display with "ae", "ic2"

sorry for my bad English

--$$ Comand
while true do
   local e, msg = os.pullEvent("chat_command")
   print(e.." - "..msg)
  --if for find ae or ic2
   if ("ae") then
  elseif ("ic2") then
finish part

while true do
    local e, msg = os.pullEvent("chat_command")
    print(e.." - "..msg)
    if string.match(msg, "ae") then
    elseif string.match(msg, "ic2") then

Bubba #2
Posted 09 August 2013 - 07:08 PM
You could use string.match for this. Fortunately you don't really have to use regex if you don't want to (it can be a bit of a learning curve, but it is ultimately worth it in my opinion).


local chat_message = "$$ae example"
if string.match(chat_message, "^$$ae") then
elseif string.match(chat_message, "^$$ic2") then

The ^ character at the beginning of the match string tells string.match to check only at the beginning of the chat message.

Just a note: I don't think that OpenPeripheral gives you the $$ characters in front of the chat message, even though you have to type it out in the chat. For example, if I type "$$hello", the event returned will be ("chat_message","hello"). I might be wrong, but that's how it works from what I remember.
MysticT #3
Posted 09 August 2013 - 07:12 PM
I think the chat message doesn't add the $$ at the start. So, remove the $$ from Bubba's code and it should work with the message you get from the event.
norfair00 #4
Posted 09 August 2013 - 07:19 PM
thank you it works very well
norfair00 #5
Posted 09 August 2013 - 08:21 PM
how can I do to get the info from the command "$ ae craft May 20"
I want to recover the 5 and 20
how can I make

reububble #6
Posted 10 August 2013 - 06:41 AM
Okay, firstly try to not 'up' like that, but I understand.

Now, all you need to do is separate the chat_message into parts defined by the position of the spaces.
For a much better source than me check out the string documentation!

If there's no better solution, here's one that I can work out.

local mes = chat_message
local arguments = {} -- everything will be stored in a table
while string.find(chat_message,' ') do
  table.insert(arguments,string.sub(mes,1,string.find(mes,' ')-1))
  mes = string.sub(mes,string.find(mes,' ')+1)
-- just to understand everything
norfair00 #7
Posted 10 August 2013 - 07:37 PM

while true do
    local e, msg, test = os.pullEvent("chat_command")
    print(e.." - "..msg.." - "..test)
    local args = {} -- everything will be stored in a table
    while string.find(msg,' ') do
	  table.insert(args,string.sub(msg,1,string.find(msg,' ')-1))
	  msg = string.sub(msg,string.find(msg,' ')+1)
    -- just to understand everything
    print("1: "..args[1])
    print("2: "..args[2])
    print("3: "..args[3])
    print("4: "..args[4])
    print("5: "..args[5])
H4X0RZ #8
Posted 11 August 2013 - 04:43 AM
A very simple seperate function:

local function seperate(txt,sym) --sym means at which symbol you want to seperate
  local output = {}
  for _,word in string.gmatch(txt, "[^sym]+") do
	table.insert(output, word)
  return output

Then you use it like this:

local chat_command = "un deux trois quatre cinq"
local seperated = seperate(chat_command, " ")
for k,v in pairs(seperated) do
  print(k, ": ",v)


1: un
2: deux
3: trois
4: quatre
5. cinq
CometWolf #9
Posted 11 August 2013 - 06:18 AM
I've already got an ME bridge runnig on my glasses. Here's what i use to seperate info from the string, modified to work with your code ofcourse

local item = string.match(msg,"craft%s(.+)%s%d+$")
local amount = tonumber(string.match(msg,"%d+$"))
if you pass it the command "$$craft planks 10"
item will be "planks"
and amount will be "10"

Another thing to note about ME bridges, is they use itemIDs, not item names. So you'll have to convert from name to id aswell.
immibis #10
Posted 11 August 2013 - 08:19 AM
I've already got an ME bridge runnig on my glasses. Here's what i use to seperate info from the string, modified to work with your code ofcourse

local item = string.match(msg,"craft%s(.+)%s%d+$")
local amount = tonumber(string.match(msg,"%d+$"))
if you pass it the command "$$craft planks 10"
item will be "planks"
and amount will be "10"

Another thing to note about ME bridges, is they use itemIDs, not item names. So you'll have to convert from name to id aswell.
And if you pass it the command "$$craft planks 10 50" item will be "planks 10" and amount will be 10, which is unexpected.
If you pass it "$$craft pl4nks 8" item will be "pl4nks" and amount will be 4, which is also unexpected.

string.match can match multiple things like this:

local item, amount = string.match(command, "^craft%s(%S+)%s(%d+)$")
amount = tonumber(amount)
theoriginalbit #11
Posted 11 August 2013 - 08:27 AM
Another way is the way that ComputerCraft does it in the Shell program… It is done like so

local tWords = {}
for match in string.gmatch( _sCommand, "[^ \t]+" ) do
  table.insert( tWords, match )
This will split the command into a table of words, then you would need to go and check each of the words for what you want.

Another thing to note about ME bridges, is they use itemIDs, not item names. So you'll have to convert from name to id aswell.
Also take note that with any item/block with a damage value (metadata) the ID that MiscPeripherals supplies will not be the same as the item/block :(/>
CometWolf #12
Posted 11 August 2013 - 08:35 AM
I've already got an ME bridge runnig on my glasses. Here's what i use to seperate info from the string, modified to work with your code ofcourse

local item = string.match(msg,"craft%s(.+)%s%d+$")
local amount = tonumber(string.match(msg,"%d+$"))
if you pass it the command "$$craft planks 10"
item will be "planks"
and amount will be "10"

Another thing to note about ME bridges, is they use itemIDs, not item names. So you'll have to convert from name to id aswell.
And if you pass it the command "$$craft planks 10 50" item will be "planks 10" and amount will be 10, which is unexpected.
If you pass it "$$craft pl4nks 8" item will be "pl4nks" and amount will be 4, which is also unexpected.

This is wrong. The $ symbol marks the end of the string. Therefore it would only match the number at the end. Your code would fail on any item with a space however.

As for the damage value ids, there is a workaround. Ill post it later when im at my computer.
Engineer #13
Posted 11 August 2013 - 08:41 AM
A very simple seperate function:

local function seperate(txt,sym) --sym means at which symbol you want to seperate
  local output = {}
  for _,word in string.gmatch(txt, "[^sym]+") do
	table.insert(output, word)
  return output

Then you use it like this:

local chat_command = "un deux trois quatre cinq"
local seperated = seperate(chat_command, " ")
for k,v in pairs(seperated) do
  print(k, ": ",v)


1: un
2: deux
3: trois
4: quatre
5. cinq
Now your string will split at the s, y or m. Come on, you have been doing this for a while now, you know you need to concat it:
And btw, string.gmatch doesnt return two values 0.0. Did you test this even?

local function seperate(txt,sym) --sym means at which symbol you want to seperate
  local output = {}
  for word in string.gmatch(txt, "[^" .. sym .. "]+") do
	table.insert(output, word)
  return output
CometWolf #14
Posted 11 August 2013 - 09:14 AM
This code is lifted directly from my glasses program, specifically a part of the itemID input function.

local item = string.match(command,"itemid%s(.+)%s%d+:?%d-$")
local metaId = tonumber(string.match(command,":(/>/>%d+)$")) -- i have no idea what the "/>" is about, i can't get rid of it lol'
local id
if metaId then
  id = tonumber(string.match(command,"(%d+):%d+$"))
  id = id+(metaId*32768)
  id = tonumber(string.match(command,"%d+$"))
basically what it does is, if it's given a meta id(itemid:metaid) then it takes the metaid, multiplies it by 32786 and adds id on top of that. This is how the ME bridge stores metaIDs. idk why, but if i recall correctly it's a bug. You can find more info about this in the misc peripherals thread, on some of the last few pages.