Posted 27 August 2013 - 04:18 AM
Title: relaying commands back and forth and reveiwing gps data between host and frames ship.
I am using jackj's redstone in motion mod ( and I am trying to make a computercraft controleld airship using the engine as a peipheral. I have instruction on it for how to move one block in each direction but because doing so restarts the computer it will only go one block. Because of this my current plan is to use 3 parts, i have a gps set up at the top of the world runningt he default gps program, and the computer on the ship with a wireless modem and a computer at my base with another wireless modem. if I enter the goto comand on the ship, it should send the command and the ship's location to the host which then proceeds to send each individual move command to the ship. Unfortunately am not terribly good at rednet and was wondering if anyone could send me in ther irght direction or explain a few commands that might help me. Any ideas?
I am using jackj's redstone in motion mod ( and I am trying to make a computercraft controleld airship using the engine as a peipheral. I have instruction on it for how to move one block in each direction but because doing so restarts the computer it will only go one block. Because of this my current plan is to use 3 parts, i have a gps set up at the top of the world runningt he default gps program, and the computer on the ship with a wireless modem and a computer at my base with another wireless modem. if I enter the goto comand on the ship, it should send the command and the ship's location to the host which then proceeds to send each individual move command to the ship. Unfortunately am not terribly good at rednet and was wondering if anyone could send me in ther irght direction or explain a few commands that might help me. Any ideas?