Cranium made an amazing program (smart paste 2.0) that you can log into your pastebin account from in game and view your pastebin programs. I have spent ages looking through his code and I cannot figure out how he did it but I know it must be possible.
As such, I should be able to have something like:
progs = fs.list("/campicus")
function logIn()
-logs into pastebin-
pastebinProgs = -get a list of my programs from pastebin-
function update()
for _, file in ipairs (progs) do
-match file to the correct program in the table "pastebinProgs"-
-delete old version-
-get new version from pastebin and save it-
Hopefully this isn't too vague and you guys have an idea of what I am wanting to do. I just have no idea how to go about it. I am familiar with the fs and http apis and I have looked through the smart paste code, to no avail.
Help me oh great coders!