2 posts
United States
Posted 01 April 2014 - 04:16 PM
I'm trying to make a simple program to be able to input a value between 0 and 15, and the computer then output a redstone signal strength equal to that number. I don't know how to keep the variable stored so that the signal remains active until another variable is input to change it to a different value of 1-15. So, it would accept the input, then ask for another one in order to change it. This would be the only program running on the computer. I can set up the display for it myself, I just know it can be a lot more compact than me doing 16 lines of "while i = X do".
Thank you for the help.
8543 posts
Posted 01 April 2014 - 05:49 PM
All you have to do is set the redstone output. It's reasonably simple to program this:
--# get initial arguments:
local args = {...}
local side
local strength
local function printUsage()
print(fs.getName(shell.getRunningProgram()).." <side> [strength]")
if #args < 1 then
--# they didn't give the side name
--# verify that the side is a real side
for _, s in pairs(rs.getSides()) do
if args[1] == s then
side = args[1]
if not side then
--# provided side was not correct
error("Invalid Side!", 0)
if #args == 2 then
--# they also have an initial strength, let's use it.
strength = tonumber(args[2])
--# start the main body of the program
while true do
if strength then
--# if statement ensures we only set the output when strength is a valid number, because it is always tonumber()'d.
rs.setAnalogOutput(side, strength)
print("Signal Strength?")
write("> ")
--# tonumber ensures that strength will always be nil or a valid number
strength = tonumber(read())
I don't usually just give code as an answer. Please be sure to read through and take the time to understand the code and what it does.