I noticed that if I try to play some notes together (say, a high piano and a low bass) it plays them one after another.
Obviously songs exist with multiple notes at the same time, so I am wondering if it's possible to play multiple notes at the same time :)/>
How to reproduce:
Set up computer with noteblock left and noteblock right, have air under noteblock left and stone under noteblock right
Run this program:
block1 = peripheral.wrap("left")
block2 = peripheral.wrap("right")
If you run it, you'll hear the notes firing after eachother, instead of together.(this only works with OpenPeripherals installed ofcouse :)/>)
Also, I am on Minecraft 1.6.4 if that makes any difference
Thanks in advance!
I figured out that I could use the method "playSound" to play any sound I want instantly, without delay so I got my workaround here :)/>
Just a little fiddling with the pitch, but I did that already by looking at the Minecraft source code :D/>