Posted 04 January 2015 - 10:53 PM
Hello once again, CC Forums. I have been working on something and while I was attempting to load a function from an API I was greeted with the following error:
"gen:44:attempt to perform arithmetic __sub on nil and number"
gen (the API):
HASH.lua (the main file):
Also, I believe that I was testing the gen.drawError function by putting in the wrong side for the drawPanel function.
"gen:44:attempt to perform arithmetic __sub on nil and number"
gen (the API):
mTime = true
function setColor(bc, tc)
if not bc then bc = 32768 end
if not tc then tc = 1 end
function printLeft (y, str, bc, tc)
setColor (bc, tc)
term.setCursorPos (1, y)
term.write (str)
function printRight (y, str, bc, tc)
setColor (bc, tc)
term.setCursorPos (w-#str+1, y)
term.write (str)
function printCentred (y, str, bc, tc)
setColor (bc, tc)
term.setCursorPos (w/2-#str/2, y)
term.write (str)
function printHere (x, y, str, bc, tc)
setColor (bc, tc)
term.setCursorPos (x, y)
term.write (str)
function getTime ()
return textutils.formatTime (os.time (), mTime)
function drawError (str)
waiting = true
while waiting do
setColor (2048, 2)
term.clear ()
printCentered ((h-1)/2, str, 2048, 2)
printCentered (h-4, "Press any key to continue", 2048, 2)
local event = os.pullEventRaw ()
if event == "char" then
setColor (1, 256)
term.clear ()
sleep (1)
os.reboot ()
function printTime (x, y, bc, tc)
local tTime = getTime ()
if x == "default" then x = (w-#tTime)+1 end
printHere (x, y, tTime, bc, tc)
HASH.lua (the main file):
-- Variables
local osVer = "Alpha v1.0"
local w,h = term.getSize ()
local panelSide = "MahDick"
local panelStyle = 0local dBCol = 256
local dTCol = 32768
local dWall = "/Users/Admin/Images/Sample Images/computer.nfp"
local dWStyle = "centered"
local updateFreq = "auto"
local updates = "locked"local tgt = 0
-- Tables
-- Functions
local function drawPanel ()
if panelStyle == 0 then
if panelSide == "top" then
paintutils.drawLine (1, 1, w, 1, 128)
gen.printHere (2, 1, "#", 128, 2)
gen.printTime (w-4, 1, 128, 1)
elseif panelSide == "bottom" then
paintutils.drawLine (1, h, w, h, 128)
gen.printHere (2, h, "#", 128, 2)
gen.printTime (w-4, h, 128, 1)
gen.drawError ("Sorry, this is still a WIP.")
elseif panelStyle == 1 then
gen.drawError ("Sorry, this is still a WIP.")
gen.drawError ("The requested 'panelStyle' does not exist.")
term.setCursorPos (1, h)
endlocal function drawDesktop ()
gen.setColor (1, 32768)
term.clear ()
term.setCursorPos (1, 2)
wallpaper = paintutils.loadImage (dWall)
if dWStyle == "centered" then
paintutils.drawImage (wallpaper, math.ceil ( (w-#wallpaper[1])/2 ), math.ceil ( (h-#wallpaper)/2) )
elseif dWStyle == "normal" then
paintutils.drawImage (wallpaper, 1, 2)
end-- Main
drawDesktop ()
drawPanel ()
Also, I believe that I was testing the gen.drawError function by putting in the wrong side for the drawPanel function.