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Installing OS Help

Started by Bunni1337, 21 February 2015 - 06:08 AM
Bunni1337 #1
Posted 21 February 2015 - 07:08 AM
Hello, I am new to computercraft, its usually banned on my server. However several players came to me asking that I unban it. I have looked into it and only want to do this with an os. After some digging I found this one that seems to meet my needs:

It has / claims to do everything I want, but the instructions are kinda like a 12 year old or forginer typed them so like, I'm stuck on step 5. I seem to have it installed ect and can force it to run manually, but at the oint where i make it auto go on all computers, im lost. Its rather vague. An admin commented it looked well done, so I must be doing something wrong.

Can anyone help me with these instructions? I seem to be stuck on what it wants me to have the server id vs chat id and what goes where. I added the ids and passwords i think, but im so confused come round step 5. If im even doing step 4 properly. theres also a readme set of instructions, and a spoiler set on the main post. Following both I seem to have gotten to step 5, but cant make the os auto go. Someone help please… T_T This looks really neet and seems to solve my malicious issues.

Thanks in advance for any and all help

HPWebcamAble #2
Posted 21 February 2015 - 06:16 PM
It has / claims to do everything I want

What exactly is it that you don't want people doing in CC?
MKlegoman357 #3
Posted 21 February 2015 - 06:26 PM
What are the malicious things you are afraid of? As far as I know there are plenty of servers (Tekkit has CC) which run CC just fine without any CC-related maliciousness. Probably the only thing that CC can cause problems to is CC itself.

EDIT: I believe it's Turtles, right? Those might be a problem if the community of your server are not that friendly. But simply banning them from the world (with a plugin, etc..) would do the trick ;)/>.

EDIT 2: oh, and that OS is very old, CC has changed a lot since then. BTW, which CC version are you running on the server?
Edited on 21 February 2015 - 05:32 PM
valithor #4
Posted 21 February 2015 - 06:29 PM
One thing is that you should not follow the way that it says to install it. That post was made around 2 years ago, and the method of installing things like this has changed. Here is a tutorial on how to install it

You would just put this resource pack in a resource pack folder in the server files, and it will make any changes to CC when you reboot the server. Other than turtles, which can grief, there really is no reason to limit people from using CC. CC is self contained, and for the most part will not lag your server.
Lyqyd #5
Posted 21 February 2015 - 08:27 PM
Also, this wouldn't stop experienced players from getting around the system anyway. It would be a major annoyance to those who know what they are doing and may turn away inexperienced players from the mod. I understand that you want to protect your server from any potential harm, but ComputerCraft is generally not a big source of lag, and most of the stuff that can be done to cause trouble on a server will only affect ComputerCraft computers.
Bunni1337 #6
Posted 22 February 2015 - 06:10 PM
Thanks so much for all your replys, let me try to answer all the questions >_<

1. this looks appealing because a lot of younger people play my server, its child friently and good for noobs who cant or dont knwo how to write script. (a few may only want to play worm and that it.. lol but dont know how to type it in ) It has many pre written things and lets u do most all basic stuff youd need without causing lag. By children i do mean like 12-15, and them "trying to learn and explore cc" has only casued me lag and many many crashes, and a loss of a world or 2. Since banning cc NONE of thoes things have happened. Like literally exactly like the guy explains in the post, thus its appeal. Kids like a neatly laid system that involves 0 work from them but it seems like their using the thing.

2. I have had issues in the past with cc and players misusing it, thus why i banned it entirely. That whole infinate expanding this was horrible til a fix came out. I wish to unban it, and allow for tutrles ect, and through use of this os i should be able to do just that. I realize its old, but its not like I'm on 1.7 or anything, and it seems like the post is from about the 1.5 era, so i was hoping it'd work. I'm looking into the new instructions given, thanks a ton for the link, ive had no time off work yett to look at it but i shall asap. :)/>

3. I am running a custom modpack based upon ftb's unleashed. 1.5.2

4. And by claims to do everything i want, is just that. Everything it describes and shows, the mean, the login style, the ease of simple program use, 100% appealing to children, and myself who has a normal job and life but loves this game, however has no time to learn more than ive already had to trying to get this server on its way to being a good server >_<

I think thats what the orignal people who were commenting on this partictular os didnt get, the guy who made it prolly had a kid friently server, and children playing with scrpits can be bad for your server lol, most adults can be trusted unless their being intentionally malicious off the bat, and as said, most adults can simply google a way around an os, a 12 yr old will most likely like it and think its nifty and not figure out ways to mess things up. (i onyl say this because I asked several players and they all loved the idea)

Okie, I think I answered everything. Thanks for all the help and imput = :3
HPWebcamAble #7
Posted 22 February 2015 - 07:32 PM
children playing with scrpits can be bad for your server

Computer Craft is very contained. You can't really mess up a server, unless you know what you are doing. Even then, there isn't much you can do
(Turtles on the other hand, can physically (well, in game) mess up a server, since they sometimes ignore permissions that certain areas might have.
You could disable them if its really a problem)

Command computers can only be accessed from creative mode, so that shouldn't be a problem. Unless your server is a creative server, you never did say.

The OS is a good concept, but I have a few ideas that might bypass it anyway

The bottom line is, if someone wanted to mess up a server, they could. But if only 'children' are playing on your server, I don't think that will be a problem.You shouldn't need any extra protection.

Also, lyqyd has a good point:
It would be a major annoyance to those who know what they are doing and may turn away inexperienced players from the mod.
I know I would't play on a server that modified Computer Craft like this.
Edited on 22 February 2015 - 06:39 PM
Bunni1337 #8
Posted 22 February 2015 - 07:39 PM
It is a survival server, but as said, several of my players dont even know hwo to use cc, so i see this os as not only protection, but a way to let people who know nothing about cc, use it. I only have literally one person needing or even advanced enough to be a Dev xD. My server isnt really taylored to adults, and thoes that do play dont really know anything abot cc or scrpting and dont wish to learn, the idea of pre set working scripts appeals to them as well as I. :)/>

Is there anything else I need to know about installing it? Or just follow the instruction link prevously sent? The orignal issue wasn;t deciding to have it, i made that decision already, but how to properly install is was my problem.

Following the new instruction link should that new method work with 1.5.2?

If thats the case as soon as I'm off work 'im gunna get to it and try the new instructions :)/>

As always thanks for help
Geforce Fan #9
Posted 22 February 2015 - 10:49 PM
I really wouldn't install it. First of all, there's no telling the bugs it will have–it's really old, CC has changes a lot since.
Secondly, if you disable turtles, CC can do no harm to your server.
If you think they won't be advanced enough to use CC, try this OS:
It makes it just like using a normal computer, but even simpler. However, it retains all of CC's functionality–if you know what you're doing, you can get into the advanced stuff.
Honestly, kids can learn to program too. It's not all that complicated, especially Lua. And if they're playing tekkit, I think they should be able to grasp basic Lua.

If you want to install the OS, I would recommend just keeping CC off all together, because that's basically what that OS does.
Edited on 22 February 2015 - 09:54 PM
HPWebcamAble #10
Posted 22 February 2015 - 11:14 PM
I really wouldn't install it. First of all, there&amp;amp;#39;s no telling the bugs it will have…
if you disable turtles, CC can do no harm to your server..
Honestly, kids can learn to program too…

The orignal issue wasn't deciding to have it, i made that decision already, but how to properly install is was my problem.

Ok, so just to reiterate, everyone on the forums has told you NOT to install something that restricts CC.

But if you still want to, yes the link in your most recent post tells you how to install it correctly
Nevermind your using an older version of CC
Edited on 24 February 2015 - 12:32 AM
Bomb Bloke #11
Posted 23 February 2015 - 01:38 AM
Computer Craft is very contained. You can't really mess up a server, unless you know what you are doing. Even then, there isn't much you can do

Oh how I wish this were true.

Every server I've had the pleasure of playing on which had CC has had CC related crash-bugs, typically exposed by… me, actually. They get me in trouble, and destroy my plans for pulling off certain builds. I've had to tone down my projects no end. :(/>

Well, that's not entirely true; the current build our server's on only crashes the client, not the whole world. Or at least, I haven't prodded it enough to cause my usual chaos. Oh, how I'd love to elaborate on all the stuff you can do with it… Of course, one can do all sorts of things will lots of other mods too, if one plays with them enough.

That's not to say that I recommend "restricting" it. Sure users will maybe trigger problems by accident, but if all you need to do is say "don't do that again" or "stop running that script" and the problem's fixed, I don't see that as much of an issue.

On the other hand, if you can't trust your userbase with it, it's better to not have it at all. Dumbing it down won't teach anyone anything (it's already pretty simple!), and locking it down is outright unlikely to work.
Bunni1337 #12
Posted 23 February 2015 - 05:03 AM
Okay, thanks for all the very strong opinions, I still think ya'll don't entirely get my point, and reasons for wanting it, just as no one understood the person who created it. lol,

I even tried to politely make it clear that I didn't want opinions, I merely needed help installing it / making it work.. I get what your trying to do, by convincing me its bad ot whatever, but please note thats its very brass an borderline rude, yer startin to hurt my feelings yo, lol :(/> . Ya'll keep ignoring my auctual problems and questions and insteda keep trying to convince me that its bad or wrong. T_T

Please understand this, I LOVE it. It looks GREAT to me, i love the style, the setup, the visual menu, ect. its for dummies, EXACTLY what im looking for. You seem to not grasp this is for ME, not you.. after like 5 posts saying don't doit and I keep asking for help you'd think you'd be ok fine its your grave, this is how t make it go: jfgsgls. Not just keep like almost spam posting about how it sucks.. ? I mean thanks, but no thanks if all this peer presser is all the help you can give. Its honestly spam so please dont post it. I need help not opinions.. i thought this was ask a pro not ask people about their feelings. As stated before , i already decided to install it. i just need help.

And to be Frank NO os ive seen, does a menu style like what this one is showing. with a "login" type thing, and a pre set list of stuff to do. dev access, ect. Maybe not try to pressure me to not doit so much, and maby show me a os thats newer and has similar menu styles and a program list with menus ect ect..? Or would offering help and not forcefuly but seemingly nicely trying to help with strong opinions be too much to ask? Cuz I kinda already did once.. >_>

As for copatibility this is back from 2012, every 1.5.2 mod or plugin i get seems ot be from round 2012-2013, so its same time range to be compatable. The orignal metheod should still work, i really shoudnt have to use the resource pack method, (i gunna doit anyway if all else fails) which is why is was trying to ask a "pro" who was maybe doing this a few years ago, and knows what step i did wrong. maybe i placed the files wrong? another tech i asked seemed to think i did just that. :

when following orignal instructions it said put computer files in that /comptuer spot, and the turtle files in the /turtle spot, however this tec thinks it goes in /programs? any thoughts? Stuart ——-
Staff 22nd February 2015 (19:40)
Hi ———-,

The files needed to be installed to the following locations
The 'computer' and 'turtle' folders needed to be installed into: mods/ComputerCraft/lua/rom/programs/
The 'startup' file needed to be installed into: mods/ComputerCraft/lua/rom/
This will ensure that every computer and turtle that is placed will automatically have the XoXOS installed on it. I have already done this for you.
The next step is to identify which computer in the world will act as the server. Open that computer and run the command 'id', it should return the id value for that machine.
Now edit the startup file at: mods/ComputerCraft/lua/rom/startup
Put the id value into that first line: serverID = 0
restart the server so that these changes take effect.
The server will now run a different version of the OS than all the other machines.

Does this hold any merit? Would his method maybe work? I'm trying to figure out what i did wrong. As stated in orignal help question, im stuck on step 5, which is making it show up on all computers. the "server" computer is set up in spawn with a spot loader under it and a router on top. so all comps but it should have the os, and they dont. this is what i need help with.

If anyone else knows anything, thanksplz no more opinions on wether i should or shouldnt have it… like really, i made backups, if it sucks i can make CC regular again in like poof one restart, like gosh, i just wanted to see it work. so, help, not opinions, im doing this, its decided. (I am the decider! :D/> ) lol so, help,.. please? :)/>

***** EDIT
It has just come to my attention, as that i just began to try the lua thing. And it Seems the Lua method Cant work for me.. : : :

Hey all,

as of ComputerCraft 1.55, Lua programs can now be included in Minecraft resource packs.

So yeah. If anyones been paying attention, I said and mentioned several times I was running unleashed 1.5.2 based modpack. If anyone even peeked at that modlist they'd see that FTB Unleashed runs cc 1.53 , not 1.55, so based upon the link about lua given, lua method wouldn't work. hat im doing is older..

Is there a "pro" here , or anyone who can auctually help me solve this? I'm so lost, lol, and really, really wanna "TRY" This, please, emphasis on try. And I Stress the fact I can undo it all back to normal in 5 sec if anything goes wrong :D/>
Edited on 23 February 2015 - 04:16 AM
Lyqyd #13
Posted 23 February 2015 - 05:54 AM
Creating that folder structure in the mods folder should allow you to place the files in the ROM, such that they will automatically be present on all computers. If that isn't causing them to show up, you'd need to create a resource pack. The first step is getting them to show up, once you know how to get the files to be present, the rest of the instructions included in the software, while written confusingly, should at least be possible to follow. If you have trouble determining whether a resource pack or the folders in the mods folder method will work, please describe what you tried and the results, and we'll try to help you from there.

Since it's clear that they've made up their mind, let's try to help get them running. We don't have to play on the server, and while I think it'd be a poor introduction to the mod, it is still their server to run as they see fit. No need to further try to change their mind, everyone.
Bomb Bloke #14
Posted 23 February 2015 - 07:09 AM
Alright, for "quick" reference, this is presumably the readme being referred to, and no, resource packs aren't an option.

These are the steps I'd suggest:

1) Install ComputerCraft normally, place a couple of computers at spawn (or anywhere else that's chunkloaded) and attach a wireless modem to each. Type "id" into their command prompts, note down the numbers this gives you - these'll probably be 0 and 1. Ideally, fence these systems off with bedrock or similar.

2) Shut down the server, go to your server's mods folder, locate and extract it to a folder called "ComputerCraft" (exact name is important - don't use "ComputerCraft-1.53"). Delete the original zip.

3) In mods\ComputerCraft\lua\rom\programs, merge the "turtle" and "computer" folders from the repository.

4) Replace mods\ComputerCraft\lua\rom\startup with this. Ensure that the "serverID" mentioned up the top of the file, and at line 49, matches the first ID number you obtained at step 1. Ensure that the "chatServerID" mentioned up the top of the file, and at line 51, matches the second.

Then edit the top of mods\ComputerCraft\lua\rom\programs\computer\XoXOS with the same values, then line 28 of XoXOSLS. Repeat with XoXOS in the turtle folder.

5) Create a file called "XoXUsers", type your desired username into it. Create another file called "XoXPasss", type a password (one you do not use for anything else) into it. Stick these files into world\computer\<id>, where <id> is the first ID number you recorded - eg, world\computer\0.

6) Set the "modem_range" and "modem_rangeDuringStorm" values in config\ComputerCraft.cfg to 6400000.

7) Start the server, see if it catches fire, don't blame me if it does. :P/>

I recommend testing the above on a single-player world first - see if you can "break" it there before your users use it to "break" things in the live world.

Bear in mind that the license for ComputerCraft forbids distributing modified releases. Nor do your users have to perform any of the steps listed above for this to work - they need only install the regular non-modified ComputerCraft archive in the usual manner in order to see your changes take effect.
Edited on 23 February 2015 - 06:13 AM
Bunni1337 #15
Posted 23 February 2015 - 08:42 AM

lol they've, haha. I'm a She and I am doing this alone tyvm :P/>

OK so THanks, more like what I needed! Tyvm Lyqyd and BombBloke ^_^/>

So, it didnt magically show up on all computers in the world, Im still hitting a roadblock when it comes to that, idk what I'm doing wrong. BUT! its there! I can make it come up. I have to put like 3 wireless modems on it, but once I do and type .XoXOS, it loads up with the login just like I want! . Am I hitting a range issue since it makes me put on so many wireless modems? I kinda want it to magically be there without them having to access it, thus the appeal. Currently you get a normal computer til you type in XoXOS into a computer with 3 wireless modems on it. Sooo…The server computer now says xoxosls on it,(it didnt before) and if i go into programs on the server computer i see the xox stuff… the other one says oschat, which it didnt before, so progress

I literally followed BombBloke from 1-7 exactly, Only thing I may have done wrong is step 3, im a little confused on what you mean by merge. what am i merging and where is the merged item going? like are you saying that turtles need all the files as well as computer, or like, make all the files he gives me be one and give it to both computer and turtles? Cuz so far I have been giving turtles the 2 files it says to for turtles, and the big list of computer stuff to computers as it said. Soo yea, straighten me out por favor :D/>

Soooo, any ideas, or something different in any step I might try to make the os appear on computers server wide without typing it? I'm just excited something changed at all and its like THERE and WORKING, just not automatically like I need, but hey, manual is step 1 to auto! lol. and my computer didnt blow up! :D/>

**** EDIT *****

So after more testing, it seems if I go out into the world, place a computer, and literally COVER it with routers, and go into it, it brings the os up automatically!! :D/>

So this leads to a new question…
You can do most CC stuff with only like one router can't you?
So having to cover it fully with wireless to get the os prolly wont happen for lots players and my same issues with players using normal CC will still arise..

There any way to boost it higher so one or no router is needed? (I put it at 6400000 as told)

Is there a way so the os comes up with no router at all? I Kinda want it to be the main login, like anytime u place a computer you get the os login, is the goal >_<

Thanks so much for the help, it works for the most part, wooo. Now to get it to.. work better… lol xD Anyone who can help answer these few new questions, Tyhanks in advance :D/>
Edited on 23 February 2015 - 08:55 AM
Bomb Bloke #16
Posted 23 February 2015 - 09:58 AM
and my computer didnt blow up! :D/>

Well that's a good start. :)/>

When I say "merge", I mean take the files in the repo's "computer" folder and stick them in your ROM's "computer" folder, then do the same for the "turtle" folders. It sounds like that's exactly what you did.

What happens if you try to type XoXOS into a computer that does not have three wireless modems attached to it?

What happens if you reboot a computer that does have three such modems hooked up (hold Ctrl + R)?
Bunni1337 #17
Posted 23 February 2015 - 07:35 PM
When I say "merge", I mean take the files in the repo's "computer" folder and stick them in your ROM's "computer" folder, then do the same for the "turtle" folders. It sounds like that's exactly what you did.
Yes, thats exactly what I did :D/>

What happens if you try to type XoXOS into a computer that does not have three wireless modems attached to it?
What happens if you reboot a computer that does have three such modems hooked up (hold Ctrl + R)?



Typing XoXOS into any computer with no router makes the os appear, and now unable to exit the os, which ideally is good, but they have to type it.

Also it seems Its not just 3 routers to make the OS magically appear as desired, its gotta be on ALL sides, and then it dosent show up, you have to relog to get the os to come up automatically.

Did I maybe edit the config wrong? So its requiring more routers?

Heres the config, it had way more than 2 questions about range.. so i made them all 6400000, was that wrong? >_<

Spoiler# Configuration file

# block

block {
# The Block ID for Cables

# The Block ID for Computers

# The Block ID for all Peripherals

# general

general {
# The disk space limit for computers and turtles, in bytes (0 is unlimited)

# Enable the "http" API on Computers

# Enable Command Block support

# The disk space limit for floppy disks, in bytes (0 is unlimited)

# The range of Wireless Modems at maximum altitude in clear weather, in meters

# The range of Wireless Modems at maximum altitude in stormy weather, in meters

# The range of Wireless Modems at low altitude in clear weather, in meters

# The range of Wireless Modems at low altitude in stormy weather, in meters

# The height of Computer screens, in characters

# The width of Computer screens, in characters

# item

item {
# The Item ID for Coloured Floppy Disks

# The Item ID for Floppy Disks

# The Item ID for Printouts

As I went to get the config, it came to my attention, the local and server cc config are different.. would it help to modify the local cc cofig and extend the range also?
I can always edit it and reupload the zip so all my players have the cc config I desire, since its my modpack and they must get it to login and play.

Soo yea, theres that. I'm still lost as to why it needs routers on all 6 sides to access the os… and it cant be distance because I set a regular computer up near the server and it still required routers on all sides to be the os like i desire. So, any ideas?

Thanks a bunch Bomb Bloke for your continued help :D/>
Edited on 23 February 2015 - 06:40 PM
Bomb Bloke #18
Posted 23 February 2015 - 11:10 PM
I'd assume this is the problem:

for _,v in pairs(rs.getSides()) do end

You'll likely need to replace it with something like this:

for _,v in pairs(rs.getSides()) do if peripheral.getType(v) == "modem" then end end

Check line 15 of XoXOS (turtle and computer versions), plus line 2 of XoXOSCS and XoXOSLS (computer only).

Be aware that you'll likely need to fix quite a few such errors before you get this thing going properly. Presumably this particular bit of code worked under whatever version of CC the author developed it under, but I can spot a number of other bugs that are rather more obvious typos.

Regarding the config, sounds like you've done the right thing. Again, you don't need to apply any changes to the client - just to the server.
Geforce Fan #19
Posted 23 February 2015 - 11:34 PM
Not trying to stop you from doing this, but just a warning: even with this OS, a guest can STILL crash your server. He just needs to find a bug in the program, and exploit it. And
this wouldn't stop experienced players from getting around the system anyway.
So just be aware you're still not safe from experienced CC players, but you are from intermediates… a beginner won't crash your server if there was a default program to do it, lol.
Holding Control and T for about 5 seconds, while running this OS, will give the user full access to ComputerCraft. Anyone who will crash your server will do it anyway with or without this OS. Not to mention the only thing that functions is calculator.
Seriously, this OS is broken and easily evaded. I'd highly recommend the use of something else, or keep CC disabled.
Again, OneOS has a simpler interface and requires no knowledge of ComputerCraft to use. It also has functions for advanced users, but the beginners won't be bothered by them
Edited on 23 February 2015 - 10:47 PM
deeredman1991 #20
Posted 24 February 2015 - 12:12 AM
psst hey, if I may make a few suggestions; people are right when they say it is easy to circumnavigate the OS. Just hold control+t and it will shut off the OS, from there they can essentially do anything they want with the computer.

May I suggest adding.

os.pullEvent = os.pullEventRaw

to the top of "XoXOS" to prevent this functionality.

You may also want to disable user made startups as it is easy to create a disk to say


and name the program "startup" to get access to CraftOS again; allowing users to bypass the XoXOS to use the computer any way they see fit.

to prevent this go to "computercraft\lua\rom" find "startup" and delete these lines of code

-- Run the user created startup, either from disk drives or the root
local sUserStartup = shell.resolveProgram( "/startup" )
local bEnableDiskStartup = (commands == nil)
if bEnableDiskStartup then
	for n,sName in pairs( peripheral.getNames() ) do
		if disk.isPresent( sName ) and disk.hasData( sName ) then
			local sDiskStartup = shell.resolveProgram( "/" .. disk.getMountPath( sName ) .. "/startup" )
			if sDiskStartup then
				sUserStartup = sDiskStartup
if sUserStartup then sUserStartup )

your code may look slightly different as you are using an older version however it should be commented the same. :)/>

now people shouldn't be able to escape the OS and poop on your server. :)/>
Edited on 23 February 2015 - 11:16 PM
HPWebcamAble #21
Posted 24 February 2015 - 03:21 AM
to prevent this go to "computercraft\lua\rom" find "startup" and delete these lines of code

That will fix one of the problems I saw,
but for CC 1.53, you can find that code in \lua\rom\programs\shell, right around line 180

I get what your trying to do, by convincing me its bad ot whatever, but please note thats its very brass an borderline rude, yer startin to hurt my feelings yo

Sorry :(/>
I'll stop

Actually one more thing:

Be aware that you'll likely need to fix quite a few such errors before you get this thing going properly.

Bomb, have you looked through the whole OS? I just did. If you haven't I recommend you do as well.
I'll let you judge it for yourself
Bomb Bloke #22
Posted 24 February 2015 - 04:06 AM
You may also want to disable user made startups as it is easy to create a disk to say…

That, at least, should already disabled by the custom startup file placed in ROM.

Bomb, have you looked through the whole OS? I just did. If you haven't I recommend you do as well.
I'll let you judge it for yourself

I've read enough of it.
HPWebcamAble #23
Posted 24 February 2015 - 04:24 AM
You may also want to disable user made startups as it is easy to create a disk to say…

That, at least, should already disabled by the custom startup file placed in ROM.

In CC 1.53, the shell program runs the /startup file

At some point, it changed so that the shell runs /rom/startup, which runs the /startup file

So in CC 1.53, you need to edit the shell program

Nevermind, the startup file should still work

You can still terminate the OS though.
Edited on 24 February 2015 - 03:26 AM
Bunni1337 #24
Posted 09 March 2015 - 03:17 AM
Wow. Okayy, sorry for a bit of a gap in my reply, I had 3 doubles again at work, and slept my first off day. lol. But here I am refreshed :D/>

Soo, I have done everything possible, all edits, read all suggestions, and have come to this conclusion:

I like it still. lol (Although OneOs looks really nice, I am looking into if it works with my version)

I'm actually even happier that the control T lets cc be regular again.
Like I said originally, 8-13 is the age range, so really low chance of them thinking to do ctrl T, however I can let my adult (trusted) friends know the bypass, and poof, dont even need to make them a dev pass ect. Also it lets me just use doors and the cool lil calc that comes with the os for my personal home use (as stated im a dummy and cant even set up cc door locks -_-/>') All in all it mostly works like specified. I do see its limitations, and the buggyness. However keep in mind I planned on adding other things into the programs section of the os, like pre made crop programs and some preset things like the secrete star wars thing ect. (Done by my Tec guy) Some stuff for total noobs/children to click and use with no prior cc know how and junks. Also with some tinkering its down to working with 3 routers, so, lol, progress. woo!! (all of this to be pointless if I get OneOs working cuz it has more than I could ever think of adding)

I went ahead and set the ability to even make a computer to trusted, the os is kinda like a cute kiddie thing for looks and to play worm. (im usually the one setting the computer up for the kids anyway) I have the rankbot plugin, so you gotta play for 24 hours total to even make a computer, so I should be straight. If your gunna waste 24 entire hours of your life to ruin my server, I cant really stop you at that point, lol.

Thanks again, again for all the tips info and help, as well as the strong reasons why its lame. xD Hope you see a tiny version of my point for wanting it in the first place.
I really am dealing wif childrenz xD Like, my 9 year old cousin plays on my server, and she likes to just start typin and doing stuff without googleing, lol.

So I suppose thats its. Thanks again again for having some Pro's actually respond to me! Ya know how ya make a gal feel special = :3

If I get stuck with OneOs I'll post here for yall expert help!

Thanks ALL!
- Bunni = :3

EDIT *****

So I'm suck at step one with OneOS… I dont even understand how to install it or get the file? I'm assuming I need version 1, but um.. soo… So brickwall.

Any Help? -_-/> Boo me, lol booo haha
Edited on 09 March 2015 - 04:11 AM
Lupus590 #25
Posted 09 March 2015 - 01:04 PM
type this into the computer

pastebin run E1xftzLa

this is from the oneOs fourm post and will install the OS for you

you will need the HTTP API enabled and able to access

If you still have problems then I go on the server and be tech support for you (we can voice chat too if you think it will help)

is this the server website? from your signature
Edited on 09 March 2015 - 12:09 PM
HPWebcamAble #26
Posted 09 March 2015 - 11:14 PM
type this into the computer

pastebin run E1xftzLa

this is from the oneOs fourm post and will install the OS for you

you will need the HTTP API enabled and able to access

If you still have problems then I go on the server and be tech support for you (we can voice chat too if you think it will help)

is this the server website? from your signature

I believe Bunni is looking for an OS that can be installed in the rom, so it runs automatically when a computer boots.

While the OS she wants isn't.. well.. a lot of things, it does do that.
OneOS doesn't.
Lupus590 #27
Posted 10 March 2015 - 07:53 AM
Installed to rom makes it easier for us, just make a resource pack for the server with the os on.
Bunni1337 #28
Posted 10 March 2015 - 10:45 PM
While the OS she wants isn't.. well.. a lot of things, it does do that.
OneOS doesn't.

So, nothing I do will make OneOS be on all computers in the server? -_-/>
Cuz, yea, thats kinda the idea. I mean, I gues it isnt a total loss if theres access to it but not forced, but, bleh. yea. boo, lol.

Are their any Decent Os's that work well and look ok that force themself on all computers on a server? Or is that just a frivolous dream?

** Also, I figured it out, but no clue how to start it, it just installs then does this:


Yea… so if anyone knows of something better, please lemme know xD was hoping OneOs would at least work T_T


So I got these two, to work

Is there a way to make either one auto show up on all computers? They look cool, and installed very easily., be great if i could force one of them on all computers xD
Edited on 10 March 2015 - 11:30 PM
Lupus590 #29
Posted 10 March 2015 - 11:00 PM
You can install oneOs to all machines, you just need to install it in a resource pack.

Do you know how to add resource packs to a server? I can put oneOs in one for you.

one downside I can see with having oneos in rom is that it will be harder to update. I could make the installer run automatically for you. this would mean a slow first boot though.

Edit 2: nevermind (see next poster), first edit still stands though
Edited on 10 March 2015 - 10:18 PM
Bomb Bloke #30
Posted 10 March 2015 - 11:05 PM
Remember that resource packs are not supported by the version of ComputerCraft in use by the modpack on this server.
Lupus590 #31
Posted 10 March 2015 - 11:17 PM
could edit computercraft.jar for the same effect

Edit: not sure if this worked/works on servers
Edited on 10 March 2015 - 10:24 PM
HPWebcamAble #32
Posted 11 March 2015 - 12:07 AM
So, nothing I do will make OneOS be on all computers in the server? -_-/>
Cuz, yea, thats kinda the idea. I mean, I gues it isnt a total loss if theres access to it but not forced, but, bleh. yea. boo, lol.

Are their any Decent Os's that work well and look ok that force themself on all computers on a server? Or is that just a frivolous dream?

In theory, yes, you could have OneOS run automatically, but it wasn't designed to do that, so you never know if everything will work

I'd bet the error you got when installing it was just an issue with compatibility, since you are using an old CC version

So I got this to work http://www.computerc...the-real-thing/

Is there a way to make it auto show up on all computers? It looks cool, and installed very easily., be great if i could force it on all computers xD

It might work, but its more of a platform to write programs with.
It even has an 'exit' button to get out of the OS. So it really doesn't stop anything

While we're on the subject, there isn't anything to stop!
I do agree that regular CC can be confusing though, if you just want to play worm

could edit computercraft.jar for the same effect

That's how you install the original OS she wanted
It came out before the resource pack functionality (Wow its almost 3 years old now)
Bunni1337 #33
Posted 11 March 2015 - 01:12 AM
Well since OneOs wont even work for me, I hunted around and settled on this:

its just Im getting this after install:

It like seems like its going to work, but then never reboots. So far the void os is the only one that seems to work fully. :(/> shame, cuz I like the windows 95 lookin os's more than the ms dos looking ones. lol

also, how do you exit lua?!?! i typed exit, call exit, (exit), blah blah and nothing exits lua, i have to break the computer and place a new one… it says call exit to exit, and nothing exits it.. :/ even on normal cc with no OS. Im like wth.. plz help lmao, im so dumb haha.

Also, if I do find one i like enough to use, how do i get its files like the one I originally wanted? So far its all pastebin stuff and no files, soo how to get files to edit the in the server to force it like the Orignal one?

Thanks for the continued help!
KingofGamesYami #34
Posted 11 March 2015 - 01:40 AM

"Bla bla bla lua prompt bla bla"
lua> print( 'hi' )
lua> exit()
Bunni1337 #35
Posted 11 March 2015 - 02:46 AM

"Bla bla bla lua prompt bla bla"
lua> print( 'hi' )
lua> exit()

Um, I have no idea what that means or what you were trying to respond to… >_>

Also it seems i get that reboot attempt to call nil with every os i try… any clue why? something im doing wrong?
Edited on 11 March 2015 - 01:47 AM
HPWebcamAble #36
Posted 11 March 2015 - 03:00 AM

"Bla bla bla lua prompt bla bla"
lua> print( 'hi' )
lua> exit()

how do you exit lua?!?! i typed exit, call exit, (exit), blah blah and nothing exits lua, i have to break the computer and place a new one… it says call exit to exit, and nothing exits it.. :/ even on normal cc with no OS. Im like wth.. plz help lmao, im so dumb haha.

Like King demonstrated, you need to CALL exit, which means using parentheses ()

So its

when you are in the lua prompt to exit

If you ever have a problem like that, you can use Ctrl+t to stop the program, or Ctrl+r (for several seconds) to force the computer to restart
(Ctrl r is coded on the java side and cant be prevented by a CC program)

it seems i get that reboot attempt to call nil with every os i try… any clue why? something im doing wrong?

Like I said before, it is probably a version compatibility issue (Although I can't say for sure without looking at it)
EDIT: Just tested in an emulater (CCEmuRedux), and it works fine. It most likely is compatibility

It might be time to update your Computer Craft. What version of MC are you using anyway?

Also, if I do find one i like enough to use, how do i get its files like the one I originally wanted? So far its all pastebin stuff and no files, soo how to get files to edit the in the server to force it like the Orignal one?

First, you'll want to find one that works. It won't be able to update itself after you install it, so it needs to be pretty stable.
After you do find one, just have it download the files with the installer.

When you've done that, you'll need to copy the files into the CC jar (MAKE A COPY of the jar FIRST!!!!) and modify the default startup file.
But find the OS first, then we can get down to the specifics.
Edited on 11 March 2015 - 02:11 AM
Bunni1337 #37
Posted 11 March 2015 - 05:44 AM
I am using MC 1.5.2

So far only the VoidOS and ZOS work 100%


I really Really wish I could get the OneOS or ChromeOs working. Trying to install GoldRunner standalone and even it dosent seem to go right. what am i doing wrong?
Getting close to giving up lol

Everything kinda works then stops, none of them load proper or stay loaded, or I get the nil thing. starting to get that on regular cc even without trying an os, its odd. like, really.


GoldRunner .. i tried installing just it, fail. this happens, idk why, sketch installed fine with no hitch… T_T

This just fails no matter how much I try,,,

ChromeOS, does all this then nothing… T_T

it even gives that error when im doing nothing. Normal CC dosent reboot,,,,

Zos works great, love the tetris game

Also Void works fine, except in the monicon menu, a few of the things cant be exited once opened, rather frustrating

As for updating cc. Does anyone know if the newer CC is compatible with mc 1.5.2? I'd love to update it in my modpack. I was just using 1.5.2 cc because its same version as my mc and its one thats used in FTB's Unleashed.

Thanks for keeping with me, ttys. :)/>
Bomb Bloke #38
Posted 11 March 2015 - 07:36 AM
There's a very good chance that your installation of XoXOS is what's breaking those other scripts. Maybe consider removing the "ComputerCraft" folder from your mods folder, and replacing it with an original copy of CC 1.53. You can always switch 'em around later when you've determined whether XoXOS is the problem (assuming you still want it at that point).

You cannot upgrade your server to a later version of ComputerCraft than the one you have unless you also update MineCraft to at least 1.6.2.
Lupus590 #39
Posted 11 March 2015 - 10:29 AM
Why do you have to be running MC 1.5.2? Like Bomb Bloke said, I would recommend consider seeing if updating is an option.

backup the world, try updating to MC 1.6.2. If it works it will be easier to install OSs
Edited on 11 March 2015 - 10:14 AM
Bomb Bloke #40
Posted 11 March 2015 - 10:39 AM
Well, I wouldn't say I "recommend" updating. That does tend to involve deleting your existing world data, to my understanding, and is generally more trouble than it's worth.
HPWebcamAble #41
Posted 11 March 2015 - 11:04 PM
I was just using 1.5.2 cc because its same version as my mc and its one thats used in FTB's Unleashed.

I thought so. It might be time to consider an upgrade to 1.7.10
If you are using the FTB launcher, it would only take a short time (Unfortunately, you wouldn't be able to use the old world)

There's a very good chance that your installation of XoXOS is what's breaking those other scripts

Wow, that explains why nothing is working correctly
Like bomb said, just download a fresh copy of CC (make sure its the version you are currently using)

I really Really wish I could get the OneOS or ChromeOs working

After looking at ChromeOS, I can tell you it looks very nice, but the author just released it, and there are a few major issues that still need to be worked out.
I've never used OneOs, but from what I hear, its pretty good.

The bottom line is that you need to redownload CC, and most of the problems you've been having should be fixed.
Bunni1337 #42
Posted 13 March 2015 - 12:57 AM
There's a very good chance that your installation of XoXOS is what's breaking those other scripts. Maybe consider removing the "ComputerCraft" folder from your mods folder, and replacing it with an original copy of CC 1.53. You can always switch 'em around later when you've determined whether XoXOS is the problem (assuming you still want it at that point).

You cannot upgrade your server to a later version of ComputerCraft than the one you have unless you also update MineCraft to at least 1.6.2.

No there isnt, lol. I'm not a dumb dumb, I started with fresh non xox CC before attempting any of this ^_^/>
And, thats not 100% true. I used 2 mods that were for "1.6.4" that worked fine in 1.5.2. ITs really a hit or miss kinda thing. My version is last tested compatible version. Not necessarily last version that works.

Only thing I do know a lot about is compiling modpacks, so it isnt impossible, just, 50/50 shot of it working xD

Why do you have to be running MC 1.5.2? Like Bomb Bloke said, I would recommend consider seeing if updating is an option.

backup the world, try updating to MC 1.6.2. If it works it will be easier to install OSs
Because if youd read back youd see, my modpack is entirely based upon FTB's Unleashed. which is 1.5.2. Also, I cant run 1.6 modpacks on my laptop, lag is wayyy to bad, impossible to run a server from that. and I dont have $ to get a nice pc yett.

Well, I wouldn't say I "recommend" updating. That does tend to involve deleting your existing world data, to my understanding, and is generally more trouble than it's worth.

Thats not necessarily true, If I remove cc completely, run the server, then add new cc, if its compatible it should work. If not, can add orignal right back to it. Mind you I'd try it locally before doing it on my server.

We just started this map and I have no intention of changing again for several months. Which by then the 1.6 version of my modpack should be done. I dont have a tooon of free time and the FTB Team already approved my mod list, (basically Unleashed + some cool stuff) to make it for 1.6 since they dont accept 1.5.2 modpacks anymore. So I'll actually have my modpack on the FTB Launcher before too long xD

After looking at ChromeOS, I can tell you it looks very nice, but the author just released it, and there are a few major issues that still need to be worked out.
I've never used OneOs, but from what I hear, its pretty good.

The bottom line is that you need to redownload CC, and most of the problems you've been having should be fixed.

I guess I'll have to wait a while for ChromeOs.
And CC was/is fresh and downloaded directly not thru a mirror. ^_^/>

I noticed on ChromeOS theres files for an older version in the "orignal post" part, could one of thoes may be for me? Since its files will it be on all comps like xoxos was?

So, that settles that I guess.

Soo, is there a way to make it so zOS loads on all computers automatically, if ChromeOs dosent have files for me, or was that a pipedream?

Thanks as always for continued help and support xD
Edited on 13 March 2015 - 12:08 AM
HPWebcamAble #43
Posted 13 March 2015 - 02:06 AM
I noticed on ChromeOS theres files for an older version in the "orignal post" part, could one of thoes may be for me? Since its files will it be on all comps like xoxos was?

I don't know if the code is any better in older versions, but after looking at it for ten seconds, it appears to be mostly in German

I cant run 1.6 modpacks on my laptop, lag is wayyy to bad, impossible to run a server from that. and I dont have $ to get a nice pc yett.

Wait, you run an MC server from your laptop?

Soo, is there a way to make it so zOS loads on all computers automatically

Ok so I've looked at ZoS and it's really not that good. OneOS is by far the best I've seen.

But assuming I didn't care what OS you used:

1) Let the OS download it's files on a computer in SSP
You might want to confirm it works
2) On your ACUTAL computer, copy the contense of the computer into the CC Zip at lua\rom
(That should include the startup file, and any files/folders)
Allow it to overwrite things if it needs to
3) Copy the CC zip you put the OS in to an SSP world to test
4) In MC, try using a computer. If the OS starts, then Yay it works! Just copy the Zip to your server
If it errors, either there is a version conflict or it is trying to modify a file, which it can't do in the rom (Or the OS is just buggy)
If NOTHING happens (Screen stays black) then something prevented CC from starting. That is a problem… Lets cross this bridge when we come to it

Some OS's let you make a password, which may or may not work when in the rom. XoX had a server computer that handled the passwords, which wasn't a bad idea

If you can't get it working, you might want to try contacting the creator and ask if they could make it compatible for running off the rom

NOTE: I wrote this quick tutorial without testing, if anyone sees a mistake plz correct me :)/>
Bunni1337 #44
Posted 14 March 2015 - 09:09 PM
I cant run 1.6 modpacks on my laptop, lag is wayyy to bad, impossible to run a server from that. and I dont have $ to get a nice pc yett.

Wait, you run an MC server from your laptop?

lol no. The only computer I have currently is my laptop. I pay for hosting with a company. lol I am building a server computer so I can not pay for hosting ^_^/> Although I am getting a great deal for a very good server. I've been with them for over two years :)/>

And I would love to use OneOs. However it dosent work, like at all. Sooo, I'm going with what I can >_<
From looking, seems like OneOs is much too new. It prolly wasnt even made with the thought someone using 1.5.2 might want to use it >_>, thus why I am going to attempttt to update cc.
Locally mind you, and if it fails I'll just reinstall unleashed and remodify it to be my modpack again. (I play from the FTB launcher due to higher fps, but make my modpack avail for Technic launcher or the FTB launcher)

Also I will do a quick test to see if your step by step works out for me. So even if the updating CC fails, i'll have that to fall back on.

thanks again for the assist ^_^/>
Edited on 14 March 2015 - 08:10 PM
Lupus590 #45
Posted 14 March 2015 - 09:36 PM
you said that 1.6.x is slow on your laptop, here's some tips

If possible get a desktop for your server and use your laptop for playing edit: just re-read, you have a web host

There are some mods which optimise 1.6.x
optifine - client only
remove some mods - considering that you are using a mod pack with friends, I can understand that this may be less of an option

non-mod methods
Spoilerupdating java may help too (can cause compatibility issues too) using 64-bit can help too (only if your pc is 64-bit)
allocate more ram to minecraft
set java as a prioritised process
play around with graphics settings
close background programs (including system tray)
set your laptop to high performance and make sure it's plugged in
play with minecraft in a smaller window - the less work your gpu has to do drawing to the screen the faster it can do it
turn off the sound (using ingame settings)

more non-mod options
make windows faster (or mac/linux)

edit: added spoilers
Edited on 14 March 2015 - 10:42 PM
HPWebcamAble #46
Posted 14 March 2015 - 10:24 PM
Wait, you run an MC server from your laptop?

lol no. The only computer I have currently is my laptop. I pay for hosting with a company. lol I am building a server computer so I can not pay for hosting ^_^/> Although I am getting a great deal for a very good server. I've been with them for over two years :)/>

Ok good. Was worried for a second there :)/>

This is a bit off topic, but I've been thinking of building a server myself, and I've found some super cheap (used) blade servers. I don't have much experience with any (Physical) servers, so I don't know if they'd be any good for MC.

Anywho, you mentioned that you were using a clean CC to test your OS's (as opposed to on with XoXos on it)
That is very strange, because it would have explained a lot, but I guess it really is just version compatibility problems.

And, thats not 100% true. I used 2 mods that were for "1.6.4" that worked fine in 1.5.2. ITs really a hit or miss kinda thing

Pretty sure that's because when the author upgrades forge versions, they say their mod is for the version of MC that the forge version uses, but there's a chance that any changes still work with older forge versions.

play with minecraft in a smaller window - the less work your gpu has to do drawing to the screen the faster it can do it

Well, yes and no. I'd never play in a smaller window just to increase FPS. Also, most laptops don't have GPUs

Personally, Optifine makes the biggest difference for me.
Edited on 14 March 2015 - 10:18 PM
Lupus590 #47
Posted 14 March 2015 - 10:54 PM
Also, most laptops don't have GPUs

How old is your laptop/information?!?!

Every modern consumer computer has a GPU and if you don't have one then you must have a monster of a CPu in that thing as it must be able to emulate openGL calls (an intergrated GPU counts as a GPU an APU does too)
HPWebcamAble #48
Posted 14 March 2015 - 11:19 PM
(an intergrated GPU counts as a GPU an APU does too)

Ah, I meant a physical card
Obviously a graphics card is much better than integrated graphics
Edited on 14 March 2015 - 10:20 PM
Lupus590 #49
Posted 14 March 2015 - 11:40 PM
easy mistake as the two terms are (erroneously) used to refer to the other

anyway, we may have hijacked this thread
Edited on 14 March 2015 - 10:42 PM
Bunni1337 #50
Posted 22 March 2015 - 07:33 PM
Ooookay, so. after much trial and error, and Chrome OS realising its a bug on their end, im at a standstill with CC at the moment.

I have yett to try Hpwebcamable's step by step to install Zos to all cc. Though I will soon. If I have any issues I'll pm directly or make a new thread, this one seems to be getting rather long and i'm pretty much done with attempts to modify my current version of cc.

And naw, yall didnt hijack. lol

Also, as far as 1.6 it just dosen't perform well on my laptop. Like i can run vanilla all versions fine, lag free. But any modded MC pas 1.5.2 laggs to the point of unplayableness. And i have tried every suggestion yall came up with, as well as several you didnt mention; like allocating more ram to java itself, and going into registry and editing the base ram java can have. Plus several other tips found on various mc sites. And mind you, i did all this before it was suggested. I ALWAYS have optifine.(fast craft makes too many visual errors with 1.5.2) I couldnt play 1.5.2 without it..
My laptop is like 6 years old, one of first to get windows 7, only 4gb ram, and only lets me allocate 3gb to MC. so, yea, until I get a better comp, this is what I can work with. Also I have run into many, many people that have my same issue. One of many reasons Tekkit LITE (1.4!) is still the literally second most played modpack. to date. Many peoples older laptops and pcs cant handle it, and with the economy, its hard to upgrade your entire system cuz you wanna play one game better.. :/

As always, thanks for the help/tips/information that was offered, I truly appreciate. ^_^/> I do believe Im done with everything I needed to know. Looking forward to getting advice at some point on other stuff :D/>
If I get stuck or hit a wall I'll pm directly <3 Thanks again.
Lupus590 #51
Posted 22 March 2015 - 07:48 PM
Best of luck, feel free to ask for more help.
Terra1 #52
Posted 29 March 2015 - 03:33 AM
if you want a better computer for a server just find some random parts slap them together for a backup server
then for the actual server just get a really basic medium end desktop and upgrade a few parts