I have here a very small script that deals with both (obviously), and predictibly, I'm unable to make the darn thing work. The most interesting bit of trouble I'm having is this Java error -See I was under the impression we were using lua. o.o So I'm very curious about that.
I'll put the script up as is for the java error (again, the most interesting problem I've run into). Before that though, I'll provide a breif description of the programs purpose and desired behavior. And if any of you can tell me how to get the darn thing to work I'd be most appreciative.
-The program is called "receive". It's purpose is to collect gps information from a portable device at regular intervals of fractions of a second, and display the information on a monitor.
while true do
peripheral.call("back", "clear")
peripheral.call("back", "setCursorPos", 1, 1)
a, b, c = rednet.receive() --for each axis
peripheral.call("back", "write", a)
peripheral.call("back", "write", B)/>/>
peripheral.call("back", "write", c)
And the broadcasting script
while true do
a, b, c = gps.locate()