as you may know, I've been working hard on OmniOS. Now has come the point when I implemented the sandbox. What I want to know from you is:
1. is this sandbox secure
2. how do implement io in the same way as fs
Here is the code:
by Creator
for TheOS
local oldGetfenv = getfenv
local oldLoadfile = loadfile
local globalName = ""
function newEnv(name)
globalName = name
return {
redstone = redstone,
gps = gps,
keys = keys,
printError = printError,
peripheral = peripheral,
assert = assert,
getfenv = function(a)
if type(a) == "number" then
elseif type(a) == "function" then
error("Expected function or number, got "..type(a))
end end,
bit = bit,
rawset = rawset,
tonumber = tonumber,
loadstring = function(str) local func = loadstring(str) setfenv(func,getfenv(1))end,
error = error,
tostring = tostring,
type = type,
coroutine = {
create = coroutine.create,
resume = coroutine.resume,
running = coroutine.running,
status = coroutine.status,
wrap = coroutine.wrap,
disk = disk,
window = window,
next = next,
unpack = unpack,
colours = colours,
pcall = pcall,
sleep = sleep,
loadfile = function(a)
local func = oldLoadfile(a)
math = math,
pairs = pairs,
fs = {
combine = fs.combine,
isReadOnly = function(path) log.log("SandboxPath","OmniOS/Programs/"..globalName..".app/"..path) return fs.isReadOnly("OmniOS/Programs/"..globalName..".app/"..path) end,
getSize = function(path) return fs.getSize("OmniOS/Programs/"..globalName..".app/"..path) end,
move = function(path1,path2) return fs.move("OmniOS/Programs/"..globalName..".app/"..path1,"OmniOS/Programs/"..globalName..".app/"..path2) end,
exists = function(path) return fs.exists("OmniOS/Programs/"..globalName..".app/"..path) end,
copy = function(path1,path2) return fs.copy("OmniOS/Programs/"..globalName..".app/"..path1,"OmniOS/Programs/"..globalName..".app/"..path2) end,
getFreeSpace = function(path) return fs.getFreeSpace("OmniOS/Programs/"..globalName..".app/"..path) end,
makeDir = function(path) return fs.makeDir("OmniOS/Programs/"..globalName..".app/"..path) end,
find = function(path) return fs.find("OmniOS/Programs/"..globalName..".app/"..path) end,
getDir = fs.getDir,
delete = function(path) return fs.delete("OmniOS/Programs/"..globalName..".app/"..path) end,
open = function(path,...) return"OmniOS/Programs/"..globalName..".app/"..path,...) end,
list = function(path) log.log("SandboxPath","OmniOS/Programs/"..globalName..".app/"..path) return fs.list("OmniOS/Programs/"..globalName..".app/"..path) end,
getDrive = function(path) return fs.getDrive("OmniOS/Programs/"..globalName..".app/"..path) end,
getName = fs.getName,
isDir = function(path) return fs.isDir("OmniOS/Programs/"..globalName..".app/"..path) end,
rawget = rawget,
_G = envToReturn,
__inext = __inext,
read = read,
rednet = rednet,
ipairs = ipairs,
xpcall = xpcall,
os = os,
help = help,
io = io,
rawequal = rawequal,
setfenv = setfenv,
rs = rs,
http = http,
write = write,
string = string,
setmetatable = setmetatable,
print = print,
getmetatable = getmetatable,
table = table,
parallel = parallel,
dofile = function(path) dofile("OmniOS/Programs/"..globalName..".app/"..path) end,
textutils = textutils,
term = term,
colors = colors,
vector = vectors,
select = select,
paintutils = paintutils,
System = System,
OmniOS = OmniOS,
log = log,
Thank you in advance,