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coroutine.resume returns unexpected results

Started by MindenCucc, 14 May 2015 - 08:34 PM
MindenCucc #1
Posted 14 May 2015 - 10:34 PM
I'm having technical difficulties with coroutines. Somehow ddm ends without errors (the while-true broke somehow, or idk)

Le' code:
ddm -
sand(box) -



local sandenv = {}
sandenv.env = sandenv
sandenv.k = function(t) for k,v in pairs(t) do write(k..", ") print(v) end end

local deskman, err = loadfile("ddm")
if not deskman then error(err) end

local sandbox =, sandenv) = sandbox

local ok, ejj

while sandbox.running() do
  ok, ejj = sandbox.unyield()
  if not ok then error(ejj) end
if not ok then error(ejj) end
print(tostring(ok) .. ", " .. tostring(ejj))

Spoilerrun test, click the bottom-right corner of the gray bar until the cursor pops up (hart to notice), type in "rom/programs/lua" (without quotes of course), and see the weirdness happen.

Also, running "test" in a pcall returns "false, nil" :blink:/>
Edited on 14 May 2015 - 08:44 PM
Lupus590 #2
Posted 14 May 2015 - 10:59 PM
Liking this tutorial is the best I can do:
My only other suggestion is to dig into the parallel API's code.

Mentioning the parallel API, in most cases it can do what people need when using multiple coroutines, have a look if it will do what you want to do.
KingofGamesYami #3
Posted 14 May 2015 - 11:11 PM
You're not passing anything to sandbox.unyield(), which in turn passes nothing to coroutine.yield, dropping any filters the code you're running gives you.

For example,

os.pullEvent( "char" )

Will not only pull char events (running in your coroutine), but anything else (such as mouse_click).

I'm not sure this is the cause, but you may want to check it out.
Bomb Bloke #4
Posted 15 May 2015 - 02:03 AM
A while back I scribbled out an example of the process KoGY describes; here's an attempt to make it more clear:

local function myFunc(myArg)
	for i = 1, myArg do

-- From bios.lua, we have the source of sleep:
-- function sleep( nTime )
--     local timer = os.startTimer( nTime or 0 )
--     repeat
--         local sEvent, param = os.pullEvent( "timer" )
--     until param == timer
-- end

-- ... and the source of os.pullEvent():
-- function os.pullEvent( sFilter )
--     local eventData = { os.pullEventRaw( sFilter ) }
--     if eventData[1] == "terminate" then
--         error( "Terminated", 0 )
--     end
--     return table.unpack( eventData )
-- end

-- ... and the source of os.pullEventRaw():
-- function os.pullEventRaw( sFilter )
--     return coroutine.yield( sFilter )
-- end

-- So, os.pullEvent( "timer" ) == coroutine.yield( "timer" ), but errors if a terminate event is returned instead.
-- Now let's run myFunc as a coroutine:

-- Initialise coroutine:
print("Starting coroutine!")

local myCoroutine = coroutine.create(myFunc)
local ok, requestedEvent = coroutine.resume(myCoroutine, 10)  -- Being the first resume, 10 gets pushed to myArg.

-- Run coroutine to completion:
while coroutine.status(myCoroutine) ~= "dead" do
        print("Coroutine seems ok, and is asking for a \"" .. requestedEvent .. "\" event.")  -- With the example myFunc, "requestedEvent" will always be "timer".

        local myEvent = {os.pullEvent(requestedEvent)}
        ok, requestedEvent = coroutine.resume(myCoroutine, unpack(myEvent))  -- Parameters of later resumes are returned by coroutine.yield() (and hence os.pullEvent()) within the coroutine itself.

-- Coroutine has finished execution.
if ok then
        print("Coroutine has completed in a natural manner.")
        print("Coroutine errored!: " .. requestedEvent)