local function wrapProgram( path )
if runningProgram and coroutine.status( runningProgram ) == "suspended" then
error("Thread already running on Stage.", 2)
if not path or type( path ) ~= "string" then
error("new.runProgram: Expected: path String")
local func = false
if getfenv and setfenv and type( getfenv ) == "function" and type( setfenv ) == "function" then
local result, err = loadfile( path )
if not result then
if err then
error("new.runProgram: "..tostring( err ))
error("new.runProgram: Error while loading file.")
elseif result then
func = result
setfenv( func, sandbox )
if func then
runningProgram = coroutine.create(func)
pgPath = path
error("new.runProgram: Could not load file")
The coroutine created is run by a loop elsewhere, which isn't super important. My problem is this:
Say that the "path" is to a file that loads an API, and this API prints and effects the terminal, my sandbox prevents the path file from doing this, although the API simply bypasses it. This is both a huge security problem and means people running their program using my sandbox cannot use APIs, which is crazy.
--# file loaded
print("hey") --# blocked
myPrintingAPI.prnit("hey") --# is NOT blocked.
--# I need ANY and ALL attempts to draw to the screen to be captured so my framework can process them.
Some help with this would be great, it appears I would need to set the functions in the global space which raises heaps of other problems, because this is object oriented and each stage needs the functions object set, setting the functions in the global space gets messy pretty quick and can probably be overridden (maybe? I dont really know)… setfenv doesn't seem to affect loaded APIs at all.
Thanks in advance!