Posted 09 July 2012 - 09:26 PM
i dunno what i am doing wrong.
it just toggles from one color to another, not turning on and off the lights i want.
tin = "tin"
copper = "copper"
gold = "gold"
offtin = "offtin"
offcopper = "offcopper"
offgold = "offgold"
curColors = rs.getBundledInput("top")
subColors = rs.getBundledOutput("top")
cobble = "cobble"
dirt = "dirt"
silver = "silver"
iron = "iron"
offcobble = "offcobble"
offdirt = "offdirt"
offsilver = "offsilver"
offiron = "offiron"
while true do
write("tin,Copper or gold")
input = read()
if input == tin then
rs.setBundledOutput("top", colors.combine(curColors,
elseif input == offtin then
rs.setBundledOutput("top", colors.subtract(subColors,
elseif input == copper then
rs.setBundledOutput("top", colors.combine(curColors,colors.white))
elseif input == offcopper then
rs.setBundledOutput("top", colors.subtract(subColors,colors.white))
elseif input == gold then
rs.setBundledOutput("top", colors.combine(curColors,
elseif input == offgold then
rs.setBundledOutput("top", colors.subtract(subColors,
elseif input == cobble then
rs.setBundledOutput("top", colors.combine(curColors,
elseif input == offcobble then
rs.setBundledOutput("top", colors.subtract(subColors,
elseif input == dirt then
rs.setBundledOutput("top", colors.combine(curColors,colors.yellow))
elseif input == offdirt then
rs.setBundledOutput("top", colors.subtract(subColors,colors.yellow))
elseif input == silver then
rs.setBundledOutput("top", colors.combine(curColors,
elseif input == offsilver then
rs.setBundledOutput("top", colors.subtract(subColors,
elseif input == iron then
rs.setBundledOutput("top", colors.combine(curColors,
elseif input == offiron then
rs.setBundledOutput("top", colors.subtract(subColors,
it just toggles from one color to another, not turning on and off the lights i want.