basicly i cant figure out how to get his programs woking: for the "server" and for the turtle
as in previous topics discussed users have a problem within line 19 of the server script + igot some more question to this program(how can it maxed out etc.)
so as in one thread explained he told one users how to get rid of the error in line 19 of the server script. but if i place then minimum amount of monitors next to the "server" computer it gives me an error: attempt to index? (a nil value).itried but i cant figure it out how to solve this.
and now some more questions: as everybody knows you need to change the co-ordinates to fit to your "settings".
so for what is
local sensorPos, mon, roomSensor, hunting = {-332,76,-841}, {}
[color=#66CC66][font=Consolas, Menlo, Monaco,][color=#222222]
hunting and its co-ordinates standing for? the sensor position? and do i need to connect the openperipherals sensor via a periheral proxy or is the cc computer detcting the sensor without that?door pos is ez :)/>
local bounds = {{-349,-321},{78,84},{-864,-817}}
is this the area of the sensor the turtle is patrouling in? what do i need to change here that it would fit; like the preset for the sensor is the radius 5 but you can change that in config.last question: i need to use a wireless turtle with a sword in one of the slots right?
im sorry if those are nooob questions but it seems like i found much potential in this program and would love to get it running/working. it should be pretty op on servers ;)/>
i appreciate all of your help guys, thnaks in advantage!!
best regards
p.s is it hard to add a "mob" function e.g to make it work with players and mobs?