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How do i create a loading bar

Started by ForceLog, 06 January 2016 - 12:39 AM
ForceLog #1
Posted 06 January 2016 - 01:39 AM
im making a auto installer but i want a good looking install bar (that isn't simpleinstall or whatever its called simple something)
i want one that looks like this and the middle is the loading bar

(While is the bar in this line) Installing | %42 |

If you know how to do this please let me know the code
Lyqyd #2
Posted 06 January 2016 - 02:27 AM
Moved to Ask a Pro.

You need to read the sticky posts and forum descriptions. This is the second time you've posted a question in the wrong section, and you've only made two posts!
DannySMc #3
Posted 06 January 2016 - 09:00 AM
- snip -

This is fairly simple to make, but what will the loading bar be for? Like a download (which is not really possible), like you can do one on a timer? or you can use data?

you can use a for loop and loop through so an example is:

-- This is the start position
local startx = 2
-- This is the end position
local endx = 49
-- This is the yvalue the bar will draw on
local ypos = 8
-- This is the colour of the bar
local barcolour = "blue"
-- Sleep time (progress speed of the bar)
local stime = 0.1

-- Simple loop from startx to endx
for i=startx, endx do
	-- Draw a pixel at the y value, and then the internal counter, with the colour you wanted
	paintutils.drawPixel(i, ypos, colours[barcolour])
	-- Wait to make it an animation

If you want to use data, then it depends on what you want…?
ForceLog #4
Posted 07 January 2016 - 02:50 AM
It doesn't seem to work i do this in a file
This is the start position
local startx = 2
This is the end position
local endx = 49
This is the yvalue the bar will draw on
local ypos = 8
This is the colour of the bar
local barcolour = "white"
Sleep time (progress speed of the bar)
local stime = 0.1

Simple loop from startx to endx
for i=startx, endx do
Draw a pixel at the y value, and then the internal counter, with the colour you wanted
.drawPixel(i, 8, colours[white])
Wait to make it an animation
DannySMc #5
Posted 07 January 2016 - 07:55 AM
It doesn't seem to work i do this in a file
This is the start position
local startx = 2
This is the end position
local endx = 49
This is the yvalue the bar will draw on
local ypos = 8
This is the colour of the bar
local barcolour = "white"
Sleep time (progress speed of the bar)
local stime = 0.1

Simple loop from startx to endx
for i=startx, endx do
Draw a pixel at the y value, and then the internal counter, with the colour you wanted
.drawPixel(i, 8, colours[white])
Wait to make it an animation

This is because you changed part of the code…
where it says
paintutils.drawPixel(i, 8, colours[white])
paintutils.drawPixel(i, ypos, colours[barcolour])

The only code you edit should be the variables at the top, not the actual for loop.