The banking system is comprised of essentially 3 computers: terminal,router,server. i could go further but this already adds up to 48 terminals to access in my world if i where to web it out for you guys.
each router has 2 ports. each port has a generated access key. When a terminal boots it looks for a conection. the terminal sends out a ping to any local routers.when a router gets a ping it assigns the terminal to a port and sends out the key and a port number to use. the port validation key changes with every transmition to the router just to keep things harder for hackers and what not. the ports are to make sure messages to the server are sent and not obstructed by other communications with terminals. ps i could go further with algorithmic equations to jumble tranmitions but thats allot of work…
the router accesses the local server using the same method of finding/searching for it and then connecting allong with generated keys for them. (not implemented yet.. i hit an issue with the terminals)
the issue with my terminal is since the user which is anyone has to type on the machine. this hangs the script… there is a constant line of communication between the router and the terminal and typing would interrupt the flow…
there is a ping comming from the router on each port to make sure the connection has not been lost… a lost connection could mean tamporing which means the router needs to clear the port and generate a new validation_key…
so i dont need this script to hang…
i can on the otyher hand just add another computer to the terminal and have that be the user interface for the terminal pc but thats more coding in the long run and more lag between the systems..
is there any way that i can put the receiving rednet code on a script in the background and have the user interface run in the forground with os.pullevents.???