Posted 21 April 2016 - 05:11 PM
Hi Guys,
I am having a huge rewrite of OmniOS, and one of the things that has been bothering me is that it is running inside this parralle.waitForAny loop. So naturally I tried breaking out of the TLC. The thing is that they do not seem to work anymore. Is that normal?
I tried the one using rednet:
Does anyone have an alternative and/or a tip?
Edit: I managed to crash rednet, but am still unable to take control afterwards.
New code:
I am having a huge rewrite of OmniOS, and one of the things that has been bothering me is that it is running inside this parralle.waitForAny loop. So naturally I tried breaking out of the TLC. The thing is that they do not seem to work anymore. Is that normal?
I tried the one using rednet:
Does anyone have an alternative and/or a tip?
Edit: I managed to crash rednet, but am still unable to take control afterwards.
New code:
local a = _G.printError
function _G.printError()--when the bios goes to print the error, we run our code
--no multishell
--no window
write"Multishelless Top-level "{},"rom/programs/shell")
os.queueEvent("modem_message", {})
Edited on 21 April 2016 - 03:19 PM