I'm sorry, but I can't entirely understand your post. I'm going to try and break it up so you may provide more adequate translation.
Hello I had a problem with the monitor command
You had a problem with the monitor program
when I fesait this command Advent is marked "monitor right time"
When you ????? this command ?????? is marked "monitor right time"
Did you mean you ran "monitor right time"?
I made lais and its my mark there are no computer is right
You made ???? and there is no computer on the right
Was there an error message? If so, please post it.
how I should do to find out or change my computer's name
What should you do to find out something or change your computer's name?
A: You shouldn't have to change your computer's name for this. Most likely, the monitor is actually on the left. A picture of your setup may be helpful.