Now, as for the second part, an authentication server and a client to go with it, along with which API should I use (Modem or Rednet), how would I do this? DO NOT PROVIDE ME EXACT CODE ON HOW TO DO THIS (ex., don't provide me a pastebin with a program that can already do this. I want to learn to make it myself so I can then adapt it to my future needs, or rewrite it if necessary.) Now, what I want to happen in essence, is this. I put a floppy drive in a client computer, it reads it and verifies it's an authorized drive with a server computer that is nearby yet hidden. I would want the server to be able to handle multiple clients (not necessarily at once,) and that I can control both the server and clients from almost anywhere using another computer. (For instance, if I'd run a command on a computer that essentially tells the server to authenticate all requests as verified (yes, I know, it's pointless, but a good example none the less), then it would tell all the clients to accept the keycard (floppy disk) no matter what was on it, if anything.)
I can provide more detailed explanations of what I'm requesting in the future, just ask. However, please try to work with what I've given you, as sometimes I can be away from the forum for a while, only to get back to a "more info please" post. If what I've given isn't enough, do ask for more info, I really want to learn how more about CC. Also, if you're going to comment that the authentication server and client programs are too difficult for me as a basic programmer, I'm willing to learn how to do these more advanced things, and doing them will be the only way I will learn. One last thing, I have no access to a MC capable computer until this weekend, thus I cannot test code and see if it works. Just a heads up.
Thanks for helping (or at least trying to) me! I'll surely enjoy CC more if I can figure out these two requests.