So I might be able to understand how a piece of code works, but I don't really know how to write my own.
Same thing with Java, I can read the code but don't know how to write my own.
I would like for someone to explain how to make a simple graphical shell in the style of LCARS from Star Trek.
It looks slightly similar to some of the operating systems I've used that are in the OS forum, but I haven't ever used Lua yet.
I am a visual person, and thus code is hard for me to write, but easy for me to read. If it was a graphical programming language like Kodu, I would probably not need help.
I just want a simple shell in that style with a few "apps" and menus that loads on startup. I know that sounds fairly similar to an OS, but I don't want it to have its own architecture that way it'd still be compatible with CraftOS programs without needing an emulator.
Sort of like Windows 1.0 was for DOS, just a graphical front end for a CLI operating system.
I just want a walkthrough of how to do it or a tutorial on how to learn Lua, so that I'd be able to try it myself and come back here if I need help. I've actually been using ComputerCraft for years, but I only just now got around to making an account because programming goes against my learning style and is thus a lot harder for me to work with, but Lua seems a lot simpler than Java, which I used in making a Flan's mod plane for 1.2.5 back in 2012.
So I am slightly confident that I could learn Lua easier than I would for Java, but it would still not be a cakewalk.
Or if anyone has an OS that's similar to LCARS that they're willing to modify for me, that would be good too.
Am I asking too much? Feel free to lock this if I am.