12 posts
Posted 03 August 2012 - 05:59 PM
Hi, I just recently downloaded and installed ComputerCraft! Now on the wiki I saw a program for a turtle that looked really neat, but it hooked up with a monitor. So I just though I'll place the Mining Turtle and the Monitors in the right spots, and I did that and then I put the program into the turtle. But when it's running, it won't display anything on the monitor. So I'm wondering how do I hook things up to the monitor? And if you want to give me any other beginner details for computercraft that would be great!
3790 posts
Lincoln, Nebraska
Posted 03 August 2012 - 06:03 PM
Peripheral API is just what you are looking for. Basically, use
mon = peripheral.wrap("side")
as an example, to write hello on the monitor of the side you choose.
839 posts
Posted 04 August 2012 - 12:41 PM
If you are trying to get the turtle to out put to the monitor, you need to learn the rednet functions.
I recommend running a program that does the following:
ask for user input
check input for validity
process input (eg user types dig, code responds turtle.dig)
set computer to a rednet receive loop
upon catching a response, output it to the monitor
begin again when required
If you need a bit of help, tell me what you want it to do precisely eg, do you want to have it so you input data manually in a sort of UI, have it run a preprogrammed process or both?(running the program via the UI)
1548 posts
That dark shadow under your bed...
Posted 04 August 2012 - 03:35 PM
BEWARE, if it is a wireless turtle you cannot access any peripherals to the right because the modem is there