Posted 11 September 2012 - 09:54 PM
So. The main idea of what I am trying to achieve is CC/RP2 sorting/crafting machine. Basically, I have got an arm, moving under chest and pulling out itemes. Near my autocrafting table I have got Item Detector setup, so I can move arm to the next chest only after all current itemes have been delivered. I need to simultaneously pull out itemes AND wait for them to come through.
Summing up, I need these two functions to run at the same time, until both finish, only then program can continue. Note - q stands for quantity everywhere
and this is couple of tries to make it work:
So nothing is working. Any ideas how to maintain it? Thanks in advance.
P.S. I would appreciate, if you would also tell me more about using this parallel API. Thanks ^^
Summing up, I need these two functions to run at the same time, until both finish, only then program can continue. Note - q stands for quantity everywhere
--[[ Other functoins:
mwrite - set up to write for monitor via rednet
armFw & armBw - moving arm forward and backward
pulse - puling redstone on some colored cable
function pullItem( pos, q)
--monitor start
mwrite("2Arm state: waiting")
mwrite("3Items state: waiting")
print("See monitor for the process progress")
--moving arm to position
while pos ~= currPos do
mwrite("2Arm state: moving")
if pos > currPos then
elseif pos < currPos then
--monitor info
mwrite("2Arm state: in place")
mwrite("3Items state: Pulling Item #"..pos)
--pulling itemes
for x = 1, q, 1 do
write("Pulling "..x.." ")
mwrite("3Items state: Success!")
function itemCheckCraft(q)
local count = 0
while count < q do
if colors.test(rs.getBundledInput("bottom"), then
count = count + 1
-- print("Current count on crafting is "..count.." out of "..q)
-- print("Part complete!")
and this is couple of tries to make it work:
parallel.waitForAll(pullItem(1, q*4), itemCheckCraft(q*4))
parallel.waitForAll(pullItem(2, q), itemCheckCraft(q))
parallel.waitForAll(pullItem(3, q), itemCheckCraft(q))
parallel.waitForAll(pullItem(4, q*3), itemCheckCraft(q*3))
parallel.waitForAll(loadstring("pullItem(1, q*4)"), loadstring("itemCheckCraft(q*4)"))
parallel.waitForAll(loadstring("pullItem(2, q)"), loadstring("itemCheckCraft(q)"))
parallel.waitForAll(loadstring("pullItem(3, q)"), loadstring("itemCheckCraft(q)"))
parallel.waitForAll(loadstring("pullItem(4, q*3)"), loadstring("itemCheckCraft(q*3)"))
Mad try
local q1 = 4 * q
local q2 = 3 * q
local s1 = "pullItem(1, "..q1..")"
local s2 = "pullItem(2, "..q..")"
local s3 = "pullItem(3, "..q..")"
local s4 = "pullItem(4, "..q2..")"
parallel.waitForAll(loadstring(s1), loadstring("itemCheckCraft(q1)"))
parallel.waitForAll(loadstring(s2), loadstring("itemCheckCraft(q)"))
parallel.waitForAll(loadstring(s3), loadstring("itemCheckCraft(q)"))
parallel.waitForAll(loadstring(s4), loadstring("itemCheckCraft(q2)"))
(I need to use functions with argumens in parallel - this is part of requesting different materials for crafting recipe, and i will eventually have a lot of these, so creating function, which would call needed function with arguments will not work)So nothing is working. Any ideas how to maintain it? Thanks in advance.
P.S. I would appreciate, if you would also tell me more about using this parallel API. Thanks ^^