Posted 21 October 2012 - 11:08 AM
I'm not actually getting any 'bug' output, but the turtle I built doesn't seem to like biofuel. According to the wiki, the turtle is supposed to take biofuel cans and some other goodies from IC2, but for some reason it's not interacting with any of the IC2 fuels. I've tried biofuel buckets, biofuel cells, and biofuel cans, as well as scrap and scaffolds. The turtle happily slurps up peat and coal coke, so both Forestry and Railcraft hooks are pulling in, but I can't get IC2 to take (and I'd quite like to start using up some of my giant biofuel tank). I don't get any issues on server startup- is there something i'm missing, or would this more properly be filed as a bug?
Or maybe my turtle's just a picky eater.
I'm not actually getting any 'bug' output, but the turtle I built doesn't seem to like biofuel. According to the wiki, the turtle is supposed to take biofuel cans and some other goodies from IC2, but for some reason it's not interacting with any of the IC2 fuels. I've tried biofuel buckets, biofuel cells, and biofuel cans, as well as scrap and scaffolds. The turtle happily slurps up peat and coal coke, so both Forestry and Railcraft hooks are pulling in, but I can't get IC2 to take (and I'd quite like to start using up some of my giant biofuel tank). I don't get any issues on server startup- is there something i'm missing, or would this more properly be filed as a bug?
Or maybe my turtle's just a picky eater.