and i don't know really how to get started :(/>
i am going to write it in lua but i need help
if anyone would like to join in with me on the project PM me or comment on the post :)/>
oh and this is a ask a pro question :)/>
i asked if anyone would LIKE to join in on the project with me.but this is not the place ask people to join your project.
right now lua is the only programming language that i understand and (like)
I absolutley refuse to use C, C#, or C++ becuase they are non-usable programming language. and I get this from experiance. it comes up with errors from nothing.
and I don't think you are a "dickhead" or a "asshole" :)/>
I try todo the same thing i get called to help my brother and parents all the time to help them with their computers. and believe me it gets anoying pretty much 89% of the time.
def sayHi(name):
print("Hi " + name)
–This will output "Hi Michael"
local function sayHi(name)
print("Hi "
– Outputs the same as aboveoh and I don't get python or java or even javascript.
and i have looked at other programming languages to learn.
yes I have gotten most of the syntax and the layout thought up.
but it is going to be somewhat quite similar to lua
local function commandname(arguments)
what it should do
local function printCentered(str, ypos)
term.setCursorPos(w/2 - #str/2, ypos)