214 posts
Posted 04 December 2012 - 08:58 AM
ok so i have a rednet login server set up, and i want to be able to change certain details server side from the client computer. here is a little server code. i dont think you need it all but if you do just ask.
anyway it works like this
users = { "user1", "user2" }
pass = { "pass1", "pass2" }
now, you type in the user name and password on the client computer. it sends the user name to the server. if the username matches one of the strings in the users table it sends back the password. if the pass sent matches the pass you put in to the client it logs you in. now what i want is to be able to change the password from the client. is this possible or is the file writing system not that advanced?
thanks -Cheeky
8543 posts
Posted 04 December 2012 - 09:02 AM
Just update your variables with the new password and write them back out to the file wholesale.
386 posts
Posted 04 December 2012 - 09:02 AM
One way of doing this is to save everything in the table in variables, then rewrite the table with the new values. And re-add old variable that you haven't overwritten.
Edit : ninja'ed :(/>
214 posts
Posted 04 December 2012 - 09:41 AM
One way of doing this is to save everything in the table in variables, then rewrite the table with the new values. And re-add old variable that you haven't overwritten.
Edit : ninja'ed :(/>
Just update your variables with the new password and write them back out to the file wholesale.
I may sound like a mass noob, but i dont really know what you mean :P/>
8543 posts
Posted 04 December 2012 - 09:45 AM
Well, you load your variables from a file, right? All you have to do is update the password variable in the server program when it gets the new one from the client, then save the passwords back into the file in whatever format you use.
214 posts
Posted 04 December 2012 - 09:55 AM
Well, you load your variables from a file, right? All you have to do is update the password variable in the server program when it gets the new one from the client, then save the passwords back into the file in whatever format you use.
the tables are at the top of the server code. so at all times the server is in a while loop listening for rednet messages. so i still dont really see how i could do this
249 posts
In the universe
Posted 04 December 2012 - 10:34 AM
You could do some code that checks if the message is a specific message, and if it is, it sends a confirmation code, recieving back the number of user/password to change and another with the new user/password then changing with users[number_of_user] = newuser or using table.delete(users, number_of_user) table.insert(users, number_of_user, newuser)
8543 posts
Posted 04 December 2012 - 11:04 AM
Well, you load your variables from a file, right? All you have to do is update the password variable in the server program when it gets the new one from the client, then save the passwords back into the file in whatever format you use.
the tables are at the top of the server code. so at all times the server is in a while loop listening for rednet messages. so i still dont really see how i could do this
Post the code and we'll show you.
214 posts
Posted 04 December 2012 - 11:17 AM
Well, you load your variables from a file, right? All you have to do is update the password variable in the server program when it gets the new one from the client, then save the passwords back into the file in whatever format you use.
the tables are at the top of the server code. so at all times the server is in a while loop listening for rednet messages. so i still dont really see how i could do this
Post the code and we'll show you.
-- Rednet Login Server
print("This Is A Password Server!")
print("No User Interaction Here!")
clients = { 1, 2, 3 } -- The allowed client computer id's
local modem_Side = "back"
logins = {"Hello", "AnotherUser" } --usernames
pass = {"1234", "spongebob" } -- passwords (They must match up. so 1234 will only allow access for the username Hello)
while true do
senderId, message, distance = rednet.receive()
for i,v in ipairs(clients) do
if v == senderId then
for i,v in ipairs(logins) do
if message == v then
password = pass[i]
rednet.send(senderId, password, true)
Here is the code for the login server. note this is my first attempt at using tables so it may be a little noobish:P
8543 posts
Posted 04 December 2012 - 03:41 PM
Here's a vague restructuring with some work left to be done, but including file operations to store the user data in separate files:
local function loadData()
local userNames = {}
local passwords = {}
userHandle = io.open("/.logins", "r")
if userHandle and passHandle then
for line in userHandle:lines() do
table.insert(userNames, line)
print("Cannot find username file!")
return nil
passHandle = io.open("/.passwords", "r")
if passHandle then
for line in passHandle:lines() do
table.insert(passwords, line)
print("Cannot find passwords file!")
return nil
local userData = {}
for i=1,#userNames do
userData[userNames[i]] = passwords[i]
return userData
local function saveData(userData)
userHandle = io.open("/.logins", "w")
passHandle = io.open("/.passwords", "w")
if userHandle and passHandle then
for name, pass in pairs(userData) do
print("Could not save data!")
return nil
return true
-- Rednet Login Server
print("This Is A Password Server!")
print("No User Interaction Here!")
clients = { [1] = true, [2] = true, [3] = true } -- The allowed client computer id's
local modem_Side = "back"
local loginData = loadData()
while true do
senderId, message, distance = rednet.receive()
if clients[senderID] and userData[message] then
rednet.send(senderId, userData[message], true)
elseif clients[senderID] and message == "!changePass" then
--you need to keep track of who's logged in, then just loginData[whoIsLoggedInAt[senderID]] = newPasswordWhateverItIs