This is your code, improved a bit, (and hopefully no errors…)
Before making a program its good to know what the things you need is named or called.. on that way the most people dont get messed up.
And remember that Lua does not know what a Capital START letter is.
If with a big "I" will cause an error because lua doesnt know the capital If. (this is mostly only if you use statements, for loops etc..)
while turtle.getItemCount(16) < 16 do
end -- When the inventory is full it will end this, so AFTER this end you have to turn around to the chest, drop off, and then make a snowman...
turtle.turnLeft()-- dont use Arguments in the movement... that will cause errors... -- this will turn around to the chest...
sleep(1) -- sleeps one second.
for i = 1, 16 do -- make a for loop, that selects each slot in the turtles inv, and then drop the slots, one by one... -- selects the I which counts all the slots...
turtle.drop() -- drops the slot into the chest... (Remember here, that turtle.placeAll, doesnt exists, so you have to use turtle.drop()
turtle.turnRight() -- faces to the snowman / farm
The code is not tested, but it should work.